Veterans Services

TMC Hospice proudly provides care and support to hundreds of veterans and their families every year.

Hospice Veterans Campaign

The stories of our veterans’ lives are precious resources for ongoing generations. It is important that these stories are not lost. To ensure their preservation, TMC Hospice has created a Veterans History Booklet that will serve as a personal memoir of remarkable experiences, lifelong friendships, accomplishments and stories full of meaningful wisdom.

TMC Hospice provides care for close to 300 veterans each year, and we have learned that veterans have unique medical and spiritual challenges. We provide ongoing veteran-specific education to all staff and volunteers in order to better serve our veterans and their families.


StoryCorps works with the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress to catalog stories as part of the historical record. Visit StoryCorps to find out more.

We have many volunteer opportunities for veterans

Our We Honor Veterans program thrives with veteran volunteers who provide companionship, recognition, and community outreach.

Arizona Dept Veterans Services logo

Arizona Veterans Services

The Arizona Department of Veterans' Services is a state agency with offices located throughout Arizona that provides direct assistance in all  matters pertaining to benefits and entitlements of veterans, their dependents and survivors. The department is responsible to apprise veterans and their families residing in Arizona of the federal and state benefits available to them. 

A network of veterans benefits counselors, or VBCs, provide information, counsel and assistance to veterans, their dependents and survivors in  matters pertaining to federal and state benefits earned by honorable service in the armed  forces of the United States. The VBCs travel to all 15 counties in the state.

Call 1-800-852-VETS (8378) for a schedule of the monthly itinerary.

To access service in Tucson:

Southern Region

(520) 207-4960

1661 N. Swan Road, #128

Tucson AZ 85712